A socialism for our times

Independent Labour Publications (ILP) is an educational trust, publishing house and pressure group committed to democratic socialism and the success of a democratic socialist Labour Party.

The ILP was formed in 1893 as the Independent Labour Party, which became a co-founder of the Labour Party at the beginning of the 20th century. Today we remain committed to Labour’s aim of creating ‘a society for the many, not the few’ and seek to engage with others in discussing how this vision can be turned into reality.

Welcome to our website which we hope will contribute to that process by providing space for discussion, opinion, news, reviews and interviews.

To see a full list of the most recent items go to Latest.

On the website you can also find:

  • more about the ILP and its political perspective
  • the story of the ILP’s long history in the British Labour movement
  • an explanation of the ILP’s relationship to the Labour Party
  • information about ILP publications
  • news and views from current and past editions of Democratic Socialist, the ILP’s periodical. These are organised by issue and by subject
  • information about the ILP Friends’ network and details of ILP events.

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We are keen to receive feedback on the contents of the website and individual articles, and encourage contributions from readers. Please get in touch – send us your comments .

© Independent Labour Publications, 2009