The Need for Engagement

Merely denouncing ‘One Nation Labour’ as more of the same is a political cul-de-sac, argues MATTHEW BROWN. We need to recognise some genuine attempts to rethink the left’s project and engage with the best of their ideas....

Jon Cruddas talks to James Purnell

Jon Cruddas MP, the man in charge of Labour policy review, was interviewed by James Purnell of the Institute of Public Policy Research during a fringe meeting at Labour Party conference in Manchester....

Beyond Blue Labour

Marc Stears, Professor of Political Theory at Oxford University, spoke at Leeds University earlier this month on democracy and the politics of protest. BARRY WINTER reports....

Markets, Movements and Morals

BARRY WINTER reviews Tony Judt’s Ill Fares the Land, and finds the late academic’s fascinating account “both right and wrong” in its lament for social democracy. Born in London in 1948, Tony Judt taught at several British and American Universities. At New York University in 1995, he established an institute for the study of European...