A Northern Light in Labour’s Gloom

Inverness ILPer LEWIS WHYTE reflects on his experience as a Labour candidate in the north of Scotland during the recent elections where the party under Anas Sarwar is slowly building a base for the future....

Starmer’s (Un)Balancing Act

DAVID CONNOLLY reviews the Labour leadership’s response to recent controversies at the Proms and with the Overseas Operations Bill and wonders whether Keir Starmer is trying to ride two horses at the same time....

Coronavirus: Stumbling into Crisis

Unprepared, indecisive and out of step with much of the world, the British government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic is a result of its flawed ideology, argues DAVID CONNOLLY. We can only hope the crisis creates new space for a radically different politics....

A Glittering Forest of Christmas Trees

For some, Labour’s 2019 manifesto remains totemic, a badge of faith that all leadership candidates must swear allegiance to. For JONATHAN TIMBERS, however, it is one of the main reason’s for Labour’s defeat....

Fragile Times

DAVID CONNOLLY reflects on the fallout from December’s general election and the unnerving sense of a fast changing and precarious world. The core statistics of last month’s general election make grim reading…...

The Strange Death of Labour England

The scale of Labour’s election defeat is hard to take in, says JONATHAN TIMBERS. But it has been a long time coming and will take a long time to put right. This election defeat is not only a “disaster”, as John McDonnell correctly said, it is a body blow that might lead to the...