French Lessons for the British Left

The Parti Socialist Unifie ceased to exist more than 30 years ago. But, as one-time member GARY KENT suggests, its grit, principle and foresight has much to teach the modern left on both sides of the Channel....

Seeking Shelter from the Storm

Reading Barbara Kingsolver’s Unsheltered in the run-up to the US election was a sobering and resonant experience, says MARIA GOULDING. It’s a story centred on a dilapidated old house, a powerful image for an American society struggling to overcome its legacy of lies, injustice and inequality....

From Sympathy to Solidarity

WILL BROWN reviews a fascinating and timely examination of the sources of anticolonial opinion in Britain, one that reinforces the importance of new and more honest accounts of Britain’s imperial past....

Help Shape Labour’s Policy

Members of the shadow cabinet are holding a series of online policy roundtable discussions to allow party members to feed your ideas and experiences into Labour’s policy programme....

Climate Change: Technology, Politics and Protest

BOB HARRISON reviews the evidence of unprecedented climate change and asks what can be done to slow global warming and mitigate its impact. The Earth’s climate is unstable. It has gone through many phases over geological time, some of which have caused major life extinctions....

Bob Smillie: A Moving Tribute to a Brave Man

MARIADO HINOJOSA reports on a day of tribute and remembrance in Valencia on Tuesday 14 May when one of the ILP’s most prominent Spanish Civil War volunteers was honoured with a specially commissioned plaque in the cemetery that holds his grave. Like all stories of idealism and fraternity, this is also a story of love...

The Causes and Cures of Brexit

“The Brexit vote was the biggest single democratic revolution the UK has experienced in decades,” according to Neal Lawson of Compass, whose new report brings together more than 20 short essays…...