HARRY BARNES picks out a few problems and positives from the Labour leader’s recent Fabian pamphlet....
Fade to Mauve: Starmer’s Leadership One Year On
Easter Sunday marks 12 months since Keir Starmer was elected Labour leader on 4 April 2020. DAVID CONNOLLY assesses his first-year performance and suggests a way forward for the left....
Skewering the Social Mobility Myth
Politicians of all shades trumpet the ideal of social mobility as a mark of a fair society. It’s a claim picked apart by Selina Todd in her rich and compelling new book, Snakes and Ladders. MARIA GOULDING is impressed by a powerful manifesto for change....
Starmer’s (Un)Balancing Act
DAVID CONNOLLY reviews the Labour leadership’s response to recent controversies at the Proms and with the Overseas Operations Bill and wonders whether Keir Starmer is trying to ride two horses at the same time....
Labour Connected: Agenda Announced
The Labour Party has announced the agenda for Connected, its a free, four-day virtual members’ conference due to take place online from Saturday 19 to Tuesday 22 September. ...
Coronavirus: The Global Roots of a Predictable Outbreak
In the second part of her interview with WILL BROWN, global health expert SOPHIE HARMAN looks at why the international response to Covid-19 has been so flawed and calls on Labour to start a new conversation about development....
Coronavirus: Understanding the UK’s ‘Catastrophic Failure’
The Tory government’s response to Covid-19 has been arrogant, incompetent and irresponsible, according to global health expert SOPHIE HARMAN. In the first of a two-part interview with the ILP’s WILL BROWN, she says it is time for Labour to step up....
Help Shape Labour’s Policy
Members of the shadow cabinet are holding a series of online policy roundtable discussions to allow party members to feed your ideas and experiences into Labour’s policy programme....
Coronavirus: Austerity, Crisis and the NHS
Why has the UK failed so conspicuously to cope with this pandemic? HILARY CAVE points the finger at decades of neoliberalism and 10 years of Tory-led austerity....
Coronavirus: Surviving Interesting Times in Great Yarmouth
MIKE WADSWORTH reports from the Norfolk coast where a region that relies on tourism fears a visitor-sparked second wave of Covid cases if lockdown is eased too much too soon....
Beyond the Boundaries
In his new book, the shadow justice minister and MP for Tottenham claims we need to reach across society’s tribal lines to create inclusive and dynamic communities. BARRY WINTER reviews David Lammy’s Tribes....
Recovering from Labour’s Election Trauma
Labour’s general election defeat was worse than anyone expected. ILP chair DAVID CONNOLLY considers some of the reasons and restates four principles for the Party’s conduct as it seeks renewal. ...